read these Terms and Conditions carefully.
We will undertake commercially reasonable efforts to provide technical
assistance under this agreement, but do not guarantee that any item
will be error free.
Technical support for all products will cease 6 months after the
next release of the product is shipped. We may, from time to time,
discontinue products and versions or discontinue any or all support
services. We also reserve the right to terminate service to any
individual who abuses any support program.
We are not liable for incidental, special, or consequential damages
for any reason (including loss of time, loss of data or software,
loss of profits, or loss of revenue) even if Compudata has been
specifically advised of the possibility of such damages, and our
liability in all events will not exceed the support fees that you
have paid under this agreement.
We own (including copyrights) all work we do and all information
we give to you as part of our support programs. We grant you a non-exclusive
license to use that work and information for yourself, or internally
within your company, to the extent such use would be permitted in
the No-Nonsense License Statement that you received with the Orange
product to which this information pertains. We have the right to
use and treat as non-confidential any information you may give us
during your use of our support program unless you specify in writing
the fact that certain material should be treated as being confidential.
This is the full and final agreement between you and us, and supersedes
any promises, representations or agreements relating to the subject
of this agreement. This agreement may only be changed if you and
our authorized representative do so in writing. No inconsistent,
additional, or pre-printed terms on your purchase order or other
business form apply.